Friday 8 May 2009

French Impressionism

The works of the French Impressionist are wonderful. The Louvre and Musee d'Orsay are great for the lover of Impressionist or just about any other kind of artwork. My favourite French artist include Renoir, Manet, Monet and Degas. I love the softness of the paintings and they are really relaxing. I have a lot of books on Impressionism. The Courtauld Gallery near the Southbank had a great exhbit lastyear on Renoir (1841-1919). Some of it is still ongoing.
I really dreaded missing the Parisian exhibit last year at the High Museum in Atlanta.
I also enjoy the works of Camille Pissarro and Mary Cassat.

La Loge by Pierre Auguste Renoir (1874)
Le Bar aux Folies-Bergere by Eduoard Manet(1882)
Rue Montorgeuil by Claude Monet (1878)
Le Classe de Danse by Edgar Degas (1875)

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